Anders Nilssons musicpage
From the moment when I, as a small child, If you liked what you´ve just heard
listened to a record with Deep Purple called please let me know. You can write in
"Made in Japan" I´ve had a desire to create my guestbook. There are more of my
which I borrowed from my sister´s boyfriend. page.
The guitarstrings were so far up from the
guitarneck that today, when I think of it, Thank you !
I wonder if the strings where there at all.
Anyway, I practiced and practiced until I could
play the "Smoke on the water"-riff on only one
string. Happy, as the child I was, I ran to my
parents to show them what I´ve just had learned.
When I was done my mother said, as every
mother would say at such an moment, " - Oh,
that was really good!". However, my father´s
reaction was not the same. The only response
he gave me, was a question about if I knew how
to play by notes. Something that he knew I
couldn´t do since no one had ever showed me.
He lack of response disappointet me very much
at the time, but it made me decide that I´m going
to be able to both play and create my own music
without the knowledge of any musical notes.
Make no mistake, I love my father and today I´m
grateful that he said what he did. Those words
encouraged me to learn what I had decided.
Today I can create music just by ear and the feel-
ing I have at the very moment. My father is today
very proud of what I´ve acomplished with my limited
knowledge and so am I. Equipment that i use
Down bellow are some fragments of a few songs
that I´ve done. Push the titel please.
I will take this opportunity to thank my family
for their patience when I create my music. I
know that sometimes it can be to much but
I thank them anyway. All my love to you !